Dear friends:

I did something wrong and lost half of my true type fonts. I have fixed
X Font Server but even when I reinstall my ttfonts. rpm (rpm -Uvh
ttfontsxxxx.rpm I still only get half of them.

Could one of you folks who has broadband kindly send me all the fonts in
the true type font directly that begin with the letter L, that is, from
the letter L to the end. I think that includes about 50 fonts. 

You will find the fonts in:


[sher@adsl-77-232-172 ttfonts]$ ls
Adventure.ttf    bazaroni.ttf    davis.ttf      fadgod.ttf    ikart.ttf
Bluehigb.ttf     beast wars.ttf  demon.ttf      failed.ttf    ikarv.ttf
Bluehigc.ttf     betadance.ttf   densmore.ttf   fakerece.ttf 
Bluehigh.ttf     betsy.ttf       dienasty.ttf   flubber.ttf   indigo.ttf
CaptainPodd.ttf  binary.ttf      dirtydoz.ttf   fontrstc.ttf  kenyan.ttf
a_d_mono.ttf     brandnew.ttf    distortia.ttf  fonts.dir    
actionis.ttf     capacitor.ttf   edgewater.ttf  fudd.ttf     
babelfish.ttf    contourg.ttf    electroh.ttf   goldengi.ttf
balconya.ttf     creature.ttf    eli5.0-.ttf    hydrogen.ttf
baltar.ttf       crystalr.ttf    embargo2.ttf   ikarrg.ttf
[sher@adsl-77-232-172 ttfonts]$                

Before you send them, please let me know first that you will be sending
them. That will help avoid confusion. Please be sure you have the right
ttfonts directory.

As soon as I receive them, I'll send a message to the list informing
everyone that I have them.

Thank you all so much.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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