Just tossing in my 2 cents worth. Macmillan Publishing is just that,
a software publisher. I do not think that they produce any software,
they just make a buck by putting it on CD's, printing manuals, and
maybe adding something not found in the "official" distribution (for
example, they have added StarOffice 5.1 and WordPerfect 8 Lite on a
CD in their "6.5" package). For their own reasons, they choose to use
their own version numbering scheme, although they do indicate on the
box that the version of Linux-Mandrake is 6.1. Then they proceed to
tell the prospective buyer that Linux-Mandrake is "RedHat Linux with
Enhancements". This is indicated by placing the previous quoted text
in parenthisis after "Linux-Mandrake". It is my understanding that
Linux-Mandrake is not any longer RedHat Linux with Enhancements,
although in earlier releases it was. This may be the cause of the
confusion many users are experiencing. If Macmillan Publishing is
tracing the roots of Linux-Mandrake back to RedHat, they may be using
that lineage to promote their publication. In any case, the distro is
an excelent one, and I don't care what version number people use. It
is still Linux-Mandrake version 6.1, and that is what counts.


On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, Arcana wrote:
> John Aldrich wrote:
> > 
> > Just thought I'd pass along some info I got from the MacMillan Reps
> > down at ALS on Saturday. They said the reason they are calling it
> > Complete Linux Operating System 6.5 is that ANY revision version is
> > automatically incremented by .5. Thus, when Mandrake 6.2 comes out,
> > it's going to be called "The Complete Linux Operating System 7.0"
> > (unless they decide to change their naming convention <G>)
>       So if I download the ISO of 6.1, I'm getting 6.5?
>       Here's a question, though.  Why did they have a 5.1? :)
>       Side question... what's the MacMillan's "Linux Security Suite" or
> whatever?
> -- 
> /-|rcana
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