I just got my CheapBytes Mandrake 6.1 CD and I can't get it to install.
I have a Promise Ultra66, and a 13G hard drive connected to it.  I read the
UltraDMA mini HowTO, so to start my installation I type "linux
ide2=0x14c8,0x14be ide3=0x14c0,0x14ba"  This seems to work because I can see
my hard drive.  My hard drive contains a 9Gig FAT32 partition for Win98.
First I tried the workstation setup just to make my life easy, and it said
"not enough disk space."  I then tried custom setup, but when I try to
create my root partition, it keeps telling me the "boot partition is too
big"!!!!!!!!  It doesn't matter how big(3098M) or small(1M) I make it, it
keeps telling me the same thing.  I connected the hard drive to my EIDE
interface and am having the same problem.  As usual, I'm sure it's something
I'm doing, but any help would be appreciated.

Collin J. Davidson

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