On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 10:27:05PM -0400, John May wrote:
> Here's what VMware has to say about the SMP troubles I, and others, are
> having.  The whole article is quoted for clarity.  
 --- SNIP ---

> Does this mean that Linux-Mandrake is a "lame" distribution?

It sure does.  It means that they modified what the kernel reports as it's
version, but they didn't modify /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h to
reflect that fact.

For a quick fix, try editing /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h so that
the UTS_RELEASE line looks like this:

        #define UTS_RELEASE "2.2.13-4mdksmp"

(just add the smp to the end of the string)

Then try installing VMware.  If it works then, submit a bug to the
bugs@linux-mandrake address, post a LOUD message on this list announcing the
problem and the fix, and then pat yourself on the back for doing more
testing on this operating system than Mandrake apparently did.

Yes, I'm a little peeved at the quality of 6.1...

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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