OK we will asume some here...
1- Your win 2k you want to keep it the way it is.
2- The 2nd drive you want to use for MDK92 is empty or you want to wipe it.
3- You know how to connect/disconnect drives  - change primary/slave links..
4- You are new to linux
5- Prepared to spend some time getting used to it.
6- Win2k is primary  *hda*  2nd is slave  *hdb* at the moment.
7- Your PC can boot from cd
8- If the above is true  THEN you now have GOLDEN chance to PRACTICE a bit
.9- Make 2 or 3 or even more practice installs - you will NEVER regret it - try different choices each time. (I know that from the 5 onwards you will become comfortable - beginning to know what to expect)
I suggest...
a- Disconnect your win2k drive (remember murphy's law)
b- Later use it as slave then the mbr will not change &   change pri/slave link to slave.
c- 2nd slave change to primary drive & connect as  *hda*.
d- Boot and follow the choices up to use entire disk / expert  / etc.
e- This is your first time pick entire disk and MDK will do it all.
f- When you reach packet choices - pick some more or just accept as this will be a practice run
g- Change CD's when requested.
h- Eventually you will have to choose were to write the bootloader - pick MBR
i- When you reach the config window - there will be quite a few choices to do.
j- The 2nd last one is your bootloader  lilo or grub - pick lilo and the 2n time around pick grub (I prefer grub- others like lilo)
k- follow instructions untill reboot - do so.
PLEASE you have the change do a few installations - get the feel of the system.
OK there is some gaps to this suggestions but if you do some practice installs you will notice them
Enjoy      (cry ???)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 12:44 AM
Subject: [newbie] Installation help with partitioning

I am really new to Linux and I have a couple questions regarding the partitioning section of the install (I read the quick start manual and it didn't help.)  First off I am running on Windows 2000 Pro on one hard drive and my second hard drive is what I want to run Mandrake 9.2 on.  My question is what file system should I use and what should I set my size at for the partition (I have a 40GB hard drive) and what is the swap all about.  It prompted me to set up a swap???  I would have gone through the wizard but there is no option.  If you can help please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thanks for all your help!

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