On Sunday 02 Nov 2003 10:19 pm, Eric Huff wrote:
> I don't have the original post, 

I quoted all of it.

> but if you want desigm software (as
> opposed to educational)

He said he wanted simulation-type stuff, albeit at a simpler level than I 
think spice provides. In my quick look round I didn't find anything that 
wasn't at least aiming at professional requirements.

> cad-astrafy has several listed.  I think there was a pspice type
> prog somewhere there.
> http://pfrostie.freeservers.com/cad-tastrafy/index.html

gEDA (available through there) does have one or two simulation apps, and it is 
a current project (last news Oct 20th).

I've been looking into this for circuit design myself recently. Unfortunately 
the only package there that I haven't already seen is a bad link.

Spice (without the p) is a BSD project although incompatible with the GPL. BSD 
don't appear to distribute it, but it's out there in ftp land. ngspice is a 
sourceforge project to rebuild it GPL, but is only at an alpha stage. pSpice 
is a commercial product from OrCad.

Richard Urwin

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