On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 08:35:52PM -0700, Don Whitman wrote:
> I just tried to update for the first time. I am running mandrake 6.0. I
> selected all updates which was quite a lot. It took about one and a half hours
> to download. Then when it was installing I got an error (do not remember exact
> message) and was asked to either force or quit so I forced. I then got about 7
> errors stating that I had conflicting files and it I believe asked me to
> continue. After that everything was gone. Nothing got installed. Where did I
> go wrong. Is it there somewhere that I can try to reinstall? Is there an
> easier way to do this?Thanks Don

Luckily, all of the files that you downloaded are still available in /tmp. 
They'll be the ones that end with .rpm.

Login as root, and copy those files to your home directory:

        cp /tmp/*.rpm /root/.

Then install them:

        cd ~
        rpm -Uvh *.rpm

If you still get errors, post 'em.  We're glad to help!

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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