On Monday 15 December 2003 06:28 pm, robin wrote:
ro I have wvdial set up to connect automatically at boot. The only problem ro is that if something like a powercut happens to kill my connection dead, ro when I restart it it complains that /dev/tty0 is busy, and all I can do ro is reboot the computer. Does anyone know of a way I can kill whatever ro is causing this and restart wvdial? ro ro Sir Robin ro
Robin, next time it happens, as root, issue a:
lsof -V /dev/tty0
and see whats holding on to it. You should be able to do a "killall -9 <whatever>, then restart wvdial.
Thanks - as it turned out, this time wvdial was the culprit so as yankl told me (offlist, presumably to save me embarrassment) all I had to do was killall wvdial.
What does HTH mean?
Sir Robin
-- "Certitude is possible for those who only own one encyclopedia." - Robert Anton Wilson
Robin Turner IDMYO Bilkent Univeritesi Ankara 06533 Turkey
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