Doh! <magnet selects "muppet-mode">

Right, Just in case anyone else reads this in the archives, the answer is in 
the question, as I just discovered 2 minutes after posting this!

>> mjpeg<< this wasn't installed!!

urpmi mjpegtools

Simple really! Streamer no longer hangs, exits and shuts off the sound after 
recording and the file is recorded fine.
Hope this is of some help to others with a similar problem.


On Friday 26 Dec 2003 7:03 pm, I stupidly wrote:
> I want to get my digital vcr working again but I am stumped on where to go
> next for troubleshooting. It all went wrong since I left Mdk 9.0 and did a
> fresh install of Mdk 9.2. I previously had a whole load of scripts I could
> just call up via cron to record various programs from my tv card.
> I am running 9.2 and uninstalled all xawtv and streamer related files due
> to having no luck getting anything to record using streamer from the
> console. After installing the latest xawtv-3.9 files and also streamer I
> once again find I cannot record anything from the TV card. I can watch TV
> with sound fine in xawtv.
> I issue the following command from a console:
> streamer -o "/drive1/magnet/vcr/testrecording.avi" -F stereo -f mjpeg -r 25
> -s 320x240 -t 0:05 -j 80 -n pal
> ...this should record a 5 second clip of video in avi format but no such
> file is created, so I'm assuming that streamer is not executing correctly
> but is also giving no clues as to what the problem might be as a <ctrl-c>
> just returns me to a command prompt as that is the only way to escape the
> command. This also leaves the sound running in the background and the only
> way to stop that is to start xawtv and then close the program down.
> Hope some of you can point me in the right direction with this as I really
> miss my DVCR :(
> magnet
> :)

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