I will try reply to the other email (physical memory) tomorrow, if anybody is wondering when or if I was going to. Having a serious problem (have been for a while, same problem on Windows) with Open Gl and would like to try upgrading to Mesa 3d. I have some questions before I ask any installation questions, if I have any.
-Are there any other 3d API's besides Mesa and Open GL, that are as good as those or better, in terms of graphics, rendering, speed, ect.? If there are will you tell me what they are? If I you think there is anything I should know before installing Mesa 3d, will you let me know?
-Will Mesa 3d work on Mandrake 9.2?
-Can I use Mesa 3d instead of Open Gl on Mandrake 9.2?
-Does Mesa 3d do the same thing as Open Gl?

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