On Sun, 11 Jan 2004 00:20:19 +0000
Richard Urwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Certainly if they're using 10,000 Linux servers that include our intellectual
> property as part of Unix, we would want them to license," said Blake Stowell, 
> a SCO spokesman.
> ...
>  Markets are abuzz with increasing speculation that Google will seek an 
> initial public offering sometime this year.
> Ouch. That's got to hurt.

>From what I've read, the business community, and I can assume investors as a
subset, are not taking SCO's shenanigans very seriously. The lure of investing
in a huge potential like Google I'm sure will overcome any FUD coming from Utah.

If anything, McBride saw the news of Google potentially going public and thought
going after them might boost *his* stock among the few idjits who actually
consider SCO a good investment.

JoeHill ++ ICQ # 280779813
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