I think he did OK.
Here is the listing from one of the ftp sites
11/13/2003 04:24PM            424 9.2-download.md5sums.asc
11/07/2003 06:43PM    683,642,880 Mandrake92-cd1-inst.i586.iso
11/07/2003 08:51PM    731,797,504 Mandrake92-cd2-ext.i586.iso
11/07/2003 10:20PM    728,948,736 Mandrake92-cd3-i18n.i586.iso
01/07/2004 04:55PM    646,500,352 MandrakeMove-i586.iso
08/19/2003 08:56AM          2,867 README
11/13/2003 04:16PM            173 README.LG
01/07/2004 05:49PM            292 move.md5sum.asc
and it looks like mandrakemove is a separate download. I'm a newbie and downloaded the same three as your friend and when I put the first cd into my cdrom it is the install disk.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 01/23/04 15:10:05
Subject: [mandrake] [newbie] 9.2/Move Confusion - HELP! My first convert!
A friend of mine liked the look of my Mandrake 9.2 and wants to try it -
he uses a combination of RH and Win at work, so he isn't entirely new to
Linux, but at home he only has Win 98SE.
Instead of doing the sensible thing and borrowing my 9.2 CDs that I
offered to lend to him, he decided to download a copy himself using the
broadband internet connection at work. He has sent me a list of the
files he has downloaded, so I can check that he has the right ones
before burning the CDs - but I have no idea what I'm looking for as I
don't use the download edition - I bought the CD version because I don't
have broadband.
I'm a little worried that he might have downloaded the wrong thing,
because the list he sent me is headed MandrakeMove. He doesn't want
Move, just ordinary Mandrake 9.2. Here's his list:
Is this 9.2 or Move? If it is 9.2, is this a complete set of files or
does he need anything else?

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