On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> What are all the linux partitions I should setup for Mandrake (& min/max size)? 
>Also, everytime I 
> setup the partitions, it'll say that one or more of them are "too big", even if it's 
>only set to be 1MB! I 
> can't figure that out. The way I got past it the last time was to add additional 
>partitions beyond what 
> I planned to use, and then only these additional, unallocated partitions would be 
>"too big"!    
> Thanks in advance
MINIMUM, depending on your drive size, you need a "/" and
swap space. Other recommended partitions might be a "/boot"
(for larger hard drives to ensure that the kernel falls
within the first 1024 cylinders) of about 10-15 megs; a
/home directory, a "/" directory and a /usr directory. If
you plan on storing RPMs that you've installed and such,
you might consider a /storage partition.
As for size, a "/home" might be 250-500 megs or more
depending on how many users you plan to support. I'd
suggest something on the order of 50-100 megs per user you
plan to have so people can have utilities and such
installed in their home directory. For /usr I'd suggest at
least 500 megs, if not more like a gig.... Swap space size
depends on your memory. The more memory, the less swap you
need. I'd say 64-128 megs SWAP wouldn't hurt. 128 or more if
you have less than 128 megs of RAM (basically, double your
RAM up to 64 megs, and then, I wouldn't see any advantage
to MORE than 128 megs unless you're doing something like
serving up web sites, and then what're you doing serving up
web pages with only 128 megs of RAM!? <G>)

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