On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, jeff wrote:

> 1st of all I would like to thank everyone for all the help they have
> given me. I'm now a total Linux convert.
> I have been following Linux for about a year, was a bit timid on
> installing and trying it out, but now I'm very glad I did.
> Well after all the e-mail I have received about what I'm trying to do, I
> thought I would go ahead and spell it all out. That way everyone who has
> offered help will understand.
> This all started out as a simple project here at work. The Boss wanted
> to see financial reports on his P.C. So the simplest way I could think
> of was to setup a file server and link it to his P.C. and the front
> office P.C.. Well as I have gotten into this and he has been reading the
> books and print outs, he wants to setup all the P.C. (Total at this time
> 5) to the network. I find it exciting.
> So here is what we have.
> 1. Front office P.C. for accounting. Quick books Win 98
> 2. Boss P.C. for inventory. Dos, Win 98
> 3. My P.C. Cad, Cam, Internet, and some light programming. Dos, Win 98
> 4. Other front office P.C.  At one time we had two secretary's Win 98
> 5. CNC Room P.C. Upload and download CNC programs. WFW 3.11
> I have several questions on how to proceed.
> Would it be better to convert all the systems to Linux?

If you can find accounting software that the boss likes (check
www.freshmeat.net), and linux software to control the CNC (i'm not sure
where to start looking here, but i have seen some somewhere), yes 
> If it would is there software for Linux like Quick books? Auto cad?

freshmeat will have these, and hopefully some cnc software

> My Boss want to set it up to where he can check the accounting from any
> station, look up drawings from and station, plus keep inventory from any
> station, and print to any of the printers from any station. Can I do
> this or has he read the information wrong?

Ok unless your inventory is kept in a platform independant format, and you
find software for all three platforms, I can see problems.
> I know this is allot to ask but I thought it would be best to get it all
> up front and see what everyone has to say.
> If you want to know what type of business we are go to
> http://www.sstooling.com

Yeah the CNC machine kinda gave it away, unfortunatly i don't quite know
enough about these to. Does this PC actualy drive the cnc or just feed it
the programs via a serial or parallel port.

> This might help all of you understand what we are looking to do and why
> we don't know allot about networking.
> Thanks
> Jeff

MandrakeSoft          http://www.mandrakesoft.com/

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