On Sun February 22 2004 5:53 pm, deedee wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Feb 2004 15:53:48, Ray Hogaboom wrote:
> > I ran Mandrake Update it only displayed programs that are on th
> > 3 Mandrake CD I made from down loading Mandrake 9.2.
> > I Installed maybe 10 different apps. Problem after updating my
> > menus Wine and QCAD are the only two of these that installed an
> > icon short cut or menu item to start them. Now I don't know
> > what other where installed as I did not right down what I chose
> > to have install. I just assumed there would be some thing to
> > click on to run these apps. I ran software package removal
> > there are over 600 items that can be removed!!!
> Software packages removal shows every application (and the
> required dependencies) that you installed from an rpm (package)
> on your system. The overwhelming majority should not be removed.
> Unfortunately, it does not necessarily show programs you added
> from source.

Is there a list somewhere of the overwhelming majority that should 
not be removed.

> My experience with both Linux and ms win is that not all apps put
> something in the menu or on the desktop.
> If, after you've rebooted, you don't see anything in your program
> menus for the application, you should still be able to find your
> applications and create a menu entry (as well as a desktop
> shortcut, if that's what you want).
> I use the Software Packages Removal to locate all the files for a
> package in question. I'm looking for several things: the
> executable that runs the package (most likely in /usr/bin/) and
> an icon for the software which usually has a png or jpg extension
> (and can be in any number of places, but the files have the paths
> so you don't have to guess where).
> If I install from source, I use mc (Midnight Commander in a
> terminal window) to view the contents of the gzipped or bzipped
> file to see what all it contains and where it's set up to put
> things.
> Once I know the name of the executable file, I usually verify it
> by running it from a command line prompt. Then, I use MCC to
> create the menu entry.
> I personally don't care for desktop icons (one of the things I
> hated with ms win), so I use several retractable child panels for
> apps I need a lot. The child panel apps are grouped by how I do
> my projects.

I do not like a lot of icons on my desk top. In ms windows I have a 
few for apps and files that are used a lot, used some for 
remenders. I  see them a lot so these items are not be forgotten. 

Retractable child panels I am not sure but these sound like what I 

How are these setup? 
I would need one for when I am working on eBay auctions. It would 
start apps like a (WYSIWYG HTML editor) with 4 differnt web page 
templates open, open a spread sheet, a picture editing program, FTP 
App., and AuctionTamer (a multitab web browser with special 
features for buying and selling item at many different internet 
auction sites.)

> However, I understand that there is software for both KDE and
> Gnome (and X Windows, I imagine) that should help you easily
> create any desktop icon you'd like.
> >Two thing I found in this list is howto-utils
> >-0.2.13-2mdk and docbook-dtd412-xml-1.0-15mdk now these sound
> > like something I could use, but how do I start them. Why dont I
> > have an icon or menu short cut for them.
> My system did provide menu items for the howtos under
> Documentation -- Howtos English. I have another item, Mandrake
> Linux documentation in English, which basically covers what's in
> the Definitive Guides to Mandrake. RUTE's menu item is Beginners
> Guide to Linux. The documentation for most applications (but not
> all) can be accessed by opening the application and clicking on
> Help.
> That includes docbook-dtd412-xml-1.0-15mdk which is really the
> XML document type definition for DocBook, something you probably
> won't need unless you intend to produce documentation for Linux
> software.
> deedee
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Thanks again For your help
Ray Hogaboom

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