Title: RE: [newbie] Multi-boot with LILO and Mandrake


I tried your suggestion last night and it had no effect. However when I added the line


Voila! A menu! Then I just had to rearrange the order of the OSs in lilo.conf and comment out the ones I didn't want to appear.

I am now very happy with the menu.

Thanks for your help.


    -----Original Message-----
    From:   Brian Parish [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Sent:   Tuesday, 9 March 2004 3:36 PM
    To:     newbie
    Subject:        Re: [newbie] Multi-boot with LILO and Mandrake

    On Tue, 2004-03-09 at 15:40, Ron Joordens wrote:
    > Hello Everyone,
    > I have just installed Mandrake on a system which already had Windows
    > XP and FreeBSD installed on it. I want to be able to choose which OS
    > to use at boot time. However, I am given no menu to choose from and
    > the default Mandrake starts automatically.
    > LILO is installed in the MBR. I had a look at the lilo.conf file and
    > saw that Mandrake saw the pre-existing windows partition and added the
    > relevent lines to the file. It did not add lines for FreeBSD. I was
    > able to add FreeBSD using the tools available in the configuration
    > menu. However still no options appear to choose OS on bootup.
    > I have discovered that if I manually change the default in lilo.conf,
    > I can boot Windows and FreeBSD successfully. However doing so entails
    > changing lilo.conf, running lilo to install to MBR, rebooting to other
    > OS. Then to boot to another OS, I have to boot Mandrake using a boot
    > floppy and change it again.
    > So how do I change lilo.conf to enable a menu. I was under the
    > impression through reading the man pages that the menu was enabled by
    > default. Following is my lilo.conf file:
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > boot=/dev/hda
    > map=/boot/map
    > vga=normal
    > default="Mandrake_Linux"
    > keytable=/boot/us-latin1.klt
    > nowarn
    > message=/boot/message
    > menu-scheme=wb:bw:wb:bw
    > image=/boot/vmlinuz-enterprise
    >         label="Mandrake_Linux"
    >         root=/dev/hda5
    >         initrd=/boot/initrd-enterprise.img
    >         append="devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi splash=silent"
    >         read-only
    > image=/boot/vmlinuz
    >         label="linux"
    >         root=/dev/hda5
    >         initrd=/boot/initrd.img
    >         append="devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi splash=silent"
    >         vga=788
    >         read-only
    > image=/boot/vmlinuz
    >         label="linux-nonfb"
    >         root=/dev/hda5
    >         initrd=/boot/initrd.img
    >         append="devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi"
    >         read-only
    > image=/boot/vmlinuz
    >         label="failsafe"
    >         root=/dev/hda5
    >         initrd=/boot/initrd.img
    >         append="failsafe devfs=nomount hdc=ide-scsi"
    >         read-only
    > other=/dev/hda1
    >         label="Windows"
    >         table=/dev/hda
    > other=/dev/fd0
    >         label="floppy"
    >         unsafe
    > other=/dev/hda2
    >         table=/dev/hda
    >         label="FreeBSD"
    > -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > The man page also says that the /boot/message file is limited to
    > approximately 65,000 bytes. My /boot/message file is 102KB and is
    > filled with unreadable hieroglyphics. Here's a sample:
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > *
    > 6 X
    > +|#x2lq€?'z
    > *|>V-ڶ;S*wˆ[EMAIL PROTECTED]˜'š=S!8t;‡McŸ
    > ˜HHH~<<==0000333""????>>>qq;;yyyFFFF&&&&&ppp                                  9999

    > ˜HHH~~<<=0000333""???>>>qq;;yyFFFF&&&&&ppp                                  9999

    > ˜HHH~<<==00000333""????>>q;;yyyFFFF&&&&&ppp                                9999

    > ˜HHH~<<==000033""????>>>qq;;yyFFFF&&&&&ppp

    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Isn't this supposed to be a readable text file that shows the message
    > to display like for example.
    > LILO Menu
    > 1 - Windows
    > 2 - Mandrake
    > 3 - FreeBSD
    > Also my /boot/map file is filled with the same type of hieroglyphics
    > and is 119KB in size.
    > Can anyone give me any pointers on how to modify my lilo.conf file to
    > get a menu? Or is it the message and map files that are at fault?
    > Also on another related issue. When I tried to create my Mandrake boot
    > floppy for Mandrake Enterprise it failed  because it was too big to
    > fit on a floppy. I had to create one with the other kernel mdk. How do
    > I create one for the enterprise kernel?
    > Everytime I boot from the floppy it detects changes to the hardware
    > and asks if I want to load the tools to configure them. Then when I
    > boot from the hard disk, it again detects new hardware. Anyone know
    > why this is?
    > Thanks in advance for your help.
    > Ron Joordens
    > Melbourne

    Try adding:


    after the nowarn line in your lilo.conf, then run lilo to rebuild the
    boot manager.  I suspect that without this, you get the menu for 0
    seconds before it boots the default image.

    (also Melbourne!)

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