On Sat, 2004-03-27 at 09:09, Anne Wilson wrote:
> When you say you followed instructions, Josenildo, were they the ones 
> at http://mandrake.vmlinuz.ca/bin/view/Main/PopFile?  Mark's 
> instructions are much simpler and clearer than the ones in the 
> documentation, and what's more they work without any fancy footwork.
> An excerpt reads:
> #  As root, make a home for POPFile: mkdir /usr/local/bin/popfile
> # cd to your new directory and download POPFile: wget 
> http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/popfile/popfile-0.20.1.zip
> # Unzip it: unzip popfile-0.20.1.zip
> # Correct the permissions if need be: chmod 755 popfile.pl
> # Now run it: ./popfile.pl
> # To run POPFile automatically at boot time, add this to 
> /etc/rc.d/rc.local: cd /usr/local/bin/popfile; ./popfile.pl
> Does that help?

I started it from scratch and it is working now.
Thank you.

josenildo marques 
icq #289971493 
homepage http://cyb.ezdir.net
registered linux user #341648
"A sociedade moderna burguesa não aboliu os antagonismos de classe.
Apenas estabeleceu novas classes, novas condições de opressão, novas
formas de luta em lugar das velhas." Karl Marx

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