I have Mandrake 9, kernel 2.4.19, wlan-ng 0.2.1-pre20, and Linksys pcmcia
WPC11 ver3.1.
After installation, I get this messagen in the system log:
Apr 12 14:37:21 china cardmgr[3513]: socket 1: Bromax OEM 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 3) Apr 12 14:37:21 china cardmgr[3513]: executing: 'modprobe prism2_cs'
Apr 12 14:37:21 china kernel: init_module: prism2_cs.o: 0.1.14 Loaded Apr 12 14:37:21 china kernel: init_module: dev_info is: prism2_cs Apr 12 14:37:21 china kernel: prism2_cs: index 0x01: Vcc 5.0, irq 9, io 0x0100-0x013f Apr 12 14:37:21 china cardmgr[3513]: executing: './wlan-ng start wlan0'
Apr 12 14:37:21 china /etc/hotplug/net.agent: invoke ifup wlan0 Apr 12 14:37:21 china cardmgr[3513]: + modprobe: Can't locate module wlan0 Apr 12 14:37:21 china cardmgr[3513]: + grep: /proc/net/p80211/wlan0/wlandev:
No such file or directory
Apr 12 14:37:21 china cardmgr[3513]: + ./wlan-ng: line 130: _fwload: command not found Apr 12 14:37:21 china cardmgr[3513]: + Firmware failed to load for device wlan0 Apr 12 14:37:26 china cardmgr[3513]: + wlanctl-ng: No such device Apr 12 14:37:26 china cardmgr[3513]: + error: Autojoin indicated failure!
Apparently wlan0 is not loaded. This post should fit wlan mailing list better, but I recall
a while ago someone said the Mandrake 9.0 distribution has a corrupted 802.11 module that should be
removed first. I cannot remember the details.
And also I am not sure if my Linksys WPC11 falls into the "Bromax OEM" categary. And if it's "prism 3", why is prism2_cs loaded
rather than prism25?
Any hints or thoughts would be highly apprecited. (ifconfig -a and lsmod are listed below)
many thanks,
Wei Wang
ifconfig -a shows:
wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
          BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
          Interrupt:9 Base address:0x100
lsmod shows:
Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
prism2_cs              57744   0  (unused)
p80211                 10808   1  [prism2_cs]
pcnet_cs               10880   1
8390                    6192   0  [pcnet_cs]
ds                      6828   2  [prism2_cs pcnet_cs]
yenta_socket            9728   2
pcmcia_core            42272   0  [prism2_cs pcnet_cs ds yenta_socket]

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