I've just set up a Helios box at work in an attempt to prove that Linux is a
usable alternative for our development. (Not to mention to run an internal
development mailing list -- there will likely be more on that later.)

Anyway, During setup, it never asked me for a host name. (It did detect my
ethernet card, however. That was cool because it never has before on my home
machine.) I went after reboot and ,using linuxconf, set the host name. That
seemed to work. My new host name is set it in the /etc/HOSTNAME file, and it
shows up in /etc/issue.

However, when I try to start up Apache or Samba I get an error and they fail
to start. Viewing the logs, I can see that Get_Hostbyname fails. In Apache I
can get past this by setting the "Server Name" property. Samba, however, has
no such option (that I know of) and that's a fairly klugy solution for
Apache anyway. So...

I've searched mailing list archives and documentation of all kinds and
haven't found a solution. I *have* however seen the question asked a couple
of times and therefore apologize in advance if I just missed the answer
somehow. Regardless, how do I once and for all set the host name?



PS: Additional info: 'hostname' works, 'hostname -d' and others do not work.
I assume this is because 'hostname' just looks in /etc/HOSTNAME and the
other forms do some type of lookup that is similar to the failure I'm
getting in Apache and Samba.

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