    Is there anyone can help me, how to print with Stylus 200.
I'm using WordPerfect 8, from Mandrake 6.0,
I always get a bad printing result, when i'm using *-WP fonts.
I've print with several Stylus Driver : Stylus Color, Stylus 800,
LQ1170, LQ850 etc. (none driver for Stylus 200) and have 
the same result, also with scallable fonts.

    and why i could only use printer fonts in WP8 ? 
It feels like doing job in m$-dos, like printing in Wordstar 7.
is there no more fonts for WP ?(Truetype fonts or something).
    also the print is taking more ink than when i print
in m$-word 97 (not as economic as in word97).


Registered User #140544

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