
I get this error message in /var/log/boot.log.

alsa: succeeded

ericsoldpc alsa: succeeded

 ericsoldpc alsactl: alsact: load_state:1134:

 ericsoldpc alsactl: No soundcards found...

 ericsoldpc sound: Setting mixer settings failed


As the computer is booting I get this message:

Start Alsa version 1.0.2c trident

doing alsact to restore mixer settings...

can't open alsact - no soundcard found

alsact save state:1061

can't open /root/tmp/asound.state_tmp:no such file or directory

setting mixer setting: alsact load state 1134: no soundcard found

When I tried to run Audacity, I got this error:

There is an error initializing the audio i/o layer

You will not be able to play or record audio

error:host error

Error while opening sound device. Please check the input device settings and the project sample rate.

I assume the Audacity error is caused by the other error.

Any ideas on how to straighten this out?

Eric Jackson





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