Gaim works fine on my system.

On Sun, 07 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> Is anyone else noticing GAIM (AOL Instant Messenger) is freezing upon
> connecting?  I wonder if AOL might have anyone not using their version
> of AOL IM for Windows blocked from their system?  Like they're doing to
> MSN Messenger?
> My other concern is that I had a friend here trying to get my modem to
> work.  Is there a remote chance something he did could be causing
> GAIM to not connect?  I didn't think so, because my ICQ-clone programs
> are still working fine.
> I have been deleting and reinstalling GAIM and this is the first time
> ever that it's freezing up on me, after using it for a month.  When
> I use Windows 98, my AOL IM in that is working fine.
> Karen

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