As a further followup, I found your previous message you sent to me (along with the 
screenshots, thanks much!)

Here's a much tighter list of questions:

-Make and Model of Modem (ZyXEL something)
-Output from the following BASH shell commands (its safe):

nmap localhost
lsof -i | egrep 'COMMAND|LISTEN|Idle'
netstat -a

Most of the above info is unnecessary, but I will need to know the make and model of 
your modem so I can look up a manual for it.

Incidentally, when you had your friend test your modem from his house, did he try to 
connect to your public IP address, or your private IP address (192.168.1.x)?

If it was your private address, he likely is using the same private addresses in his 
home network, so he was actually probably connecting to HIS modem or his computer. I 
won't go into the details quite about why this is, but google Network Address 
Translation if you want more info. 

This is one reason why IPv6 (or something similar) will be nice in the 20 years or so 
it will take to phase out the majority of IPv4 (and I'm being VERY optimistic about 
that timeframe)

Sorry, I got off on a tangent there. My tech support style is like Alton Brown's 
cooking style (A show called Good Eats on the Food Network, you must watch it). The 
why is equally as interesting as the how :).

Justin Grote
Network Architect, CCNA
JWG Networks
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove nospam-)
SMS:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove nospam-)
Phone: (208) 631-5440

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