

I am having problems getting SPDIF and sound (using ALSA) to with in KDE with my nforce2 onboard audio. It works ok it I use aplay in a shell, but not with any applications that run in KDE.


I have included the output from lsmod and my .asoundrc file below. Even if you don’t know the answer I would love to get a pointer in the direction of some beginner style doco on ALSA and SPDIF setup, particularly a good description of the creation of the .asoundrc file as I’m hacking in the dark at the moment.






Module                  Size  Used by

snd-intel8x0           32776  1

snd-ac97-codec         58148  1 snd-intel8x0

gameport                4480  1 snd-intel8x0

snd-mpu401-uart         7072  1 snd-intel8x0

snd-rawmidi            23616  1 snd-mpu401-uart

snd-seq-device          8008  1 snd-rawmidi

snd-pcm-oss            51812  0

snd-pcm                93156  2 snd-intel8x0,snd-pcm-oss

snd-page-alloc         11972  2 snd-intel8x0,snd-pcm

snd-timer              24484  1 snd-pcm

snd-mixer-oss          17952  1 snd-pcm-oss

snd                    52484  11


soundcore               9248  1 snd

sg                     38044  0

st                     38616  0

sr_mod                 17028  0

sd_mod                 16832  0

scsi_mod              114648  4 sg,st,sr_mod,sd_mod

md5                     3872  1

ipv6                  232352  12

af_packet              20520  2

hid                    53312  0

raw                     7616  1

ide-floppy             18752  0

ide-tape               34864  0

ide-cd                 40548  0

cdrom                  37184  2 sr_mod,ide-cd

floppy                 59444  0

forcedeth              14304  0

ohci1394               33956  0

ieee1394              287856  1 ohci1394

fglrx                 205028  0

ehci-hcd               24196  0

ohci-hcd               18692  0

usbcore                99132  5 hid,ehci-hcd,ohci-hcd

rtc                    11576  0

ext3                  110408  2

jbd                    54328  1 ext3






pcm.nforce-hw {

    type hw

    card 0


pcm.!default {

    type plug

    slave.pcm "nforce"


pcm.nforce {

    type dmix

    ipc_key 1234

    slave {

      pcm "hw:0,2"

      period_time 0

      period_size 1024

      buffer_size 32768

      rate 48000



ctl.nforce-hw {

    type hw

    card 0





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