Hello all,

Well I finally figured this @#$%! thing out.  In my extrem newbieness
I was trying to save myself some time when I was editing and moving
files around (ie the makefile and the conf.modules file) and would open
them in separate windows, make my changes but I would not close them or
the window I used to edit them.  DUH,  linux didn't see the saved file I
had just made because I still had it open but would instead use an image
file and compile that instead.

One of my OTHER blunders was to read the line that said COMPILE the
KERNEL (personally scrared the sh$t out of me but I tried anyway - thank
God it bombed), as well as I had no clue how to compile the module.
BTW, I found it necessary to compile in this order  1. make  2. make
clean 3. make install.  Go figure 8-).    So the moral of the story is
...  well ok there itsn't one I just wish I knew about the closing of
the open files BEFORE I could use them to compile, perhaps this is
TOO obvious so an experienced user but to us virgins <G> it's wasn't so

Next project is to get sound working in gnome and then networking - joy.

Thanks all for trying to help,

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