On Thu, 07 Oct 1999, you wrote:
>     Sorry about the HTML, I'm a bit too used to windows. I'm a VERY new
> Linus user. I'm still working on my first install. Anyway, I've attached my
> fstab file, take a look and see what you think. PLease keep in mind that
> even for a newbie, I'm a linux idiot.
>     Thanks, guys.
Here's what I'd do...I'd delete that line that says :WinNT
since it's not a standard FSTAB designation. If you want to
be able to read it from Linux, figure out which partition
it's on (or is THAT your hda8 partition?) and set it up in
accordance with the standard partition designations.
Also, I"d suggest mounting /dev/hda8 on soemthing other
than /mnt. Perhaps if you made a "/mnt/dos" directory and
mounted it in /mnt/dos. 
Further I'd also say to try mounting it as filesystem type
"fat" or "auto" instead of "msdos." Although the man page
says "msdos" filesystems are supported, I've never had it
work for me.

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