Mark Ramsey wrote:
> I have just setup my 3rd Linux box, one on Redhat 6.1, another on Mandrake
> 6.1 and the new one is Suse 6.0.
> (Trying to learn all in the ins and outs to Samba and such)
> Anyway.....the main partition on the Suse box is 100% full.....I tried
> mv'ing directories like /usr and /tmp to the second partition and going to
> link to them there, but when I try I get the error "cannot move "filename"
> across filesystems: Not a regular file"
> Am I doing something wrong or will it really not let me move these files?
> Thanks in advance
> Mark

You need to copy the files to the new partition. Then rm the original

Why don't you just copy all the files to the new partition then change
fstab to mount the new partition as /usr, you can then remount the old
partition as /what-ever and use it for what ever(/tmp, /var, etc). A lot
cleaner than using links.

If you do this you will need to rm -R the /usr dir from your first
partition, if you don't you will not recover the space used by the files
in the old /usr. If your not clear on this, do this for an example. make
a file in your /mnt/cdrom dir without having the cdrom mounted. Now
mount a cd and look back in the /mnt/cdrom dir, you will see the
contents of the mounted cd. The file you created is still there, under
the newly mounted cdrom, taking up as much space on the drive as it did
before the cd was mounted.

I just played this game on a file server with a full /, moving /usr will
free up a lot of space.

Brett Jones

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