I think the Mandrake people deserve a lot of praise..this is
> the best distro i've ever used! It's fast, too...much faster than win'blows
> on the same machine...I'm really impressed. I've even gotten my TV working
> on my ATI all in wonder card! I was amazed!
> Mark

   Hav'ta agree.  After a year's absence from Linux (RH5.1 for
several months was my only other experience), for Mandrake an' Linux
in general, it's <clap clap clap, hip' hooray!! >

  needless to say, I enjoy the hell out of it.  I'd even go so far
as to say the install and maintenance is easier than Windows

....now Nutscrape, that's a different story ..

  My best advice is to go with 4.7 and _don't_ install Communicator.
jus' Navigator.  I like SO for news, and Kmail, with either, it's
no problem to clk on a link and see what's referred to, KFM does
well.  I've also run Agent (usin Wine) and don't see what the
fuss's about. It's good for grab'n multi-part binaries off NG's, but
that's about it.

  Kernel 2.2.13-28mdk (Cooker) is the best one so far for me

..      Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      .

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