I bought a NEC 2510A recently.
I have never bought DVD blanks before, whether dual or single layer.
I note that here in UK, suppliers are grading the media make against manufacturer/device.
That implies they have had trouble with some makes of media with certain makes of drive.

I wondered if list members have had similar experiences like that themselves or are our suppliers being very cautious ?

So far I haven't come across any NEC website to give guidance upon media make and type for DVD write purposes. That suggests they don't expect any problems or they don't want to own up to a problem.

It would help if one understood the technical whys and wherefores of choosing Media for DVD write purposes. I do not tend to buy re-writes for dvd writing.

A preliminary inquiry of the media makes tells me different makes of media seem to have different dye colours, and in the past, in my experience, this has made no difference to choice of media make, but maybe it is different where dvd write media is concerned. I have had no experience to judge them by, maybe list members have ?

One thing I have noted in my experience price is absolutely no guide to media quality.

Right now I would be content to buy blank single layer dvd write only, working my way up from the cheapest available, and I guess that will be the only definative arguement in the end.

I don't have any reliable dual layer software at the moment and so don't feel motivated to seek dual layer blanks right now. If anyone knows of any experimental linux app with dual layer software I would be prepared to give it a shot if I can get media.


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