DNS, is it running? are the settings correct? is there a
named.conf.rpmsave sitting in /etc with the original settings in it.
Upgrades blow, in the future you should back up the important config
files to a floppy or separate /home partition and do a fresh install.
Remember you don't need to format and zap the files in the /home during
the install. This is a great way to do an upgrade without losing files.

> Hi Folks,
>      Well I couldn't leave well enough alone.  I listened to the voices and
> upgraded from 6.0 to 6.1 the other night.  Everything seems fine except for
> my "Web Server"   Before the upgrade, anybody browsing to kband.net saw the
> contents of /home/httpd/html. Apparently the Apache upgrade points somewhere
> else?  Anyone know where it points to now?   I tried changing the ServerRoot
> line in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf BACK to /home/httpd/html to no avail.
> Browse to www.kband.net and you will get "The Requested URL / Was Not Found On
> This Server".
> Also, the OOS (Other Operating Systems) using my Linux box for a proxy now
> cannot browse the 'net.  They resolve the address, but are unable to pull up the
> site.  Perhaps ipcahins is screwed up now?
> Obvioulsy some files were changed during the upgrade as I see files now such at
> httpd.conf.rpmsave and rc.local.rpmsave.
> Is it possible to "back out", or should I plow ahead with my site down until I
> am miracled the solution?  (Or one of you Gurus slaps me silly and points me in
> the right direction?)
> Forgive the rambling, but its Monday morning, and the coffee hasn't kicked in
> yet.....
> Thanks,
> Bryan

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