On Fri, 8 Oct 2004, Adolfo Bello wrote:

> Hi:
> I've worked with MySQL 4.1 since the alpha release (4.1.0). I always
> download the latest rpms from mysql.com and install them with rpm. Until
> version 4.1.4 every thing was just fine.
> However, when I tried to install 4.1.5 rpms in my fully updated Mandrake
> 10.0, I got an error telling me that mysql didn't have permissions to
> access /root/tmp. MySQL was installed but couldn't be started.
> Humm, something wrong with this rpms. I post a message in the mysql list
> and they told me to give, temporarily, 777 access to /root/tmp to start
> the service, which I did. The service started but I couldn't work with
> the database after settings /root/tmp permissions back to the original
> ones (700).
> I went back to install 4.1.4, which I had working before, and I got the
> same error. My conclusion was that something was wrong with my box. I
> modified the mysql init script in /etc/init.d to start mysql as user
> root and the database started working nicely. After that I installed
> 4.1.5 which is now working without problem. However, running mysql as
> root is not considered a good security practice.
> Then, one of my coworker, who uses Mandrake 9.2, told me that he was
> facing the same problem with 4.1.5. After modifying mysql init script as
> I did the data base started to work.
> Then I decided to go to a different computer and installed 10.1 CE. The
> same problem with mysql. Again, modifying mysql init script solved the
> situation.
> Decided to go deeper into it, I installed mysql in a box running Debian
> 3.0r2 using the generic Linux installer. No problem whatsoever. Then I
> tried installing mysql in 10.0 using the same binary and I got the same
> problem. BTW, Debian has no /root/tmp at all.
> At this point, I believe that there is something in Mandrake causing the
> problem but I have no idea where to start looking at.
> Can I just remove /root/tmp and try to start mysql again? Has anybody in
> this list tried to install MySQL 4.1.4 or 4.1.5 in 9.2 or 10 fully
> updated or in 10.1 CE without update?
> Can some body give me a hint about where the problem might be?

Sounds like the init script is picking up root's TMPDIR TMP variables.
You might try unsetting these in the init script, rather than running 
MySQL as root.

You'll note the mandrake package defines these vars in "start":

    export TMPDIR 
    export TMP 

Stew Benedict
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