Em Sáb, 2004-10-23 às 15:04, Tom Brinkman escreveu:
>       My question is about DVD's with multiple sound tracks. 
> Ususally two in english, and one in french.  Is there an easy way 
> to tell before transcoding which english track is the movie sound 
> track, and which is (usually) a track that describes the making, 
> production of the movie?  I invariably get it backwards and have 
> to stop and transcode the other english track.

I haven't used dvdrip for some time, but IMS it should select the right
audio track for you once the main movie is selected, which it also does.
In the first step, dvdrip rips all the audio tracks, but you have to
select one for volume scanning. 
Once the dvd is wholly ripped, click on the Clip and Zoom Tab and click
on the Show Movie From here button. You should hear the right movie
sound track. I think you have to have Xine installed, but I'm not sure.

Josenildo Marques 
ICQ 289971493 +++ Homepage http://cyb.ezdir.net 
Fotolog http://fotolog.terra.com.br/imaginis 
usuário Linux registrado No. 341648 
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