On Thursday 28 October 2004 09:17, SnapafunFrank wrote:
> I'm late to this thread. Care to list the four commands mentioned?
> --
> Regards
> SnapafunFrank

"mount", ""find", "cpio" and "lilo" :)
Here's the howto(sort of) .. I copied the lines from my first mail in this
What I would do in a situation like this:

1)Create the needed partitions on the new disk --- let's assume it's /dev/hdb 
and the partions are similar to /dev/hda ..only bigger, using fdisk or 
cfdisk....and make those active or bootable that need to be.

2)unmounting all mounted partitions except / from which you're 
running...Optionally you can do "telinit 1" as su/root which will achieve the 

3) mount the partitions you want to copy to, on ready made directories in /mnt 
(i.e. /mnt/disk2, /mnt/disk3, etc..) 

4)Then copy all the partitions to hdb going into the toplevel of each 
partition (excepting /, the root partition) and type (as su/root): find . 
-xdev | cpio -padm /mnt/diskx  (where x is the partition/mount n° needed)

5)Get some coffee as that'll take a while;)

6)reboot using a "liveCD" or "mandrake rescue mode" i.e. run in ram.

7)mount your old root partition (/) as well as your new one some where 
on /mnt/ (i.e. /mnt/oldroot /mnt/newroot°

8)cd into /mnt/oldroot: cd /mnt/oldroot and repeat the "find . -xdev | cpio 
-padm /mnt/newroot" (not the quotes and mind the . !)

9)Drink some more coffee and edit /mnt/newroot/etc/lilo.conf 
and /mnt/newroot/etc/fstab appropiately ...then 
edit /mnt/oldroot/etc/lilo.conf and add a new entry there called linux-new 
(or such) pointing to your newroot partition (this way you can back out if 
something goes wrong!)

10)reboot into your old system (there is a way of running "lilo" on a not 
running / , but I never looked how) and run "lilo", and reboot again ;( where 
you now should see "linux-new" as an added option in your lilo 
bootmenu.....and boot into that.

11) If all goes well you can then remove/delete your old hda partitions 
physically and from lilo.conf

Bear in mind that I myself have never done this with a ntfs or vfat partition 
so (triple)check those thouroughly before removing/deleting the old stuff!!!
Good luck,

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