On Monday 01 November 2004 09:53 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
> On Monday 01 November 2004 11:33, Fajar Priyanto wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I have a spare space on my hdd, so I resized one of my partition (it's on
> > the last partition hda10). Using MCC, I can resized it with no problem,
> > formatted it, the fstab also modified. But, after reboot, I noticed that
> > the free space in that partition is still in the old one (2GB, whereas
> > should be 7GB). Any idea what I'm missing?
> > Thanks.
> I re-read your post many times and don't really understand...could you post
> the content of "/etc/fstab" an "df -h" command?

Many thanks HJ,
This is the info:

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5             981M   82M  849M   9% /
/dev/hda10            7.0G   33M  6.6G   1% /data
/dev/hda9              12G  5.5G  6.2G  48% /home
/dev/hda1             9.9G  8.5G  1.4G  87% /mnt/win_c
/dev/hda2             2.0G  1.9G  125M  94% /mnt/win_d
/dev/hda7             3.9G  1.4G  2.3G  38% /usr
/dev/hda8             1.5G  106M  1.3G   8% /var

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ajk]$ cat /etc/fstab
/dev/hda5 / ext3 noatime 1 1
/dev/hda10 /data ext3 noatime,defaults 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda9 /home ext3 noatime 1 2
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto 
umask=0,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,noauto,ro,exec,users 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c ntfs umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,nls=iso8859-1,ro 0 0
/dev/hda2 /mnt/win_d vfat umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 /usr ext3 noatime 1 2
/dev/hda8 /var ext3 noatime 1 2
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

The partition I wanted to resized was /dev/hda10 /data
It should be 7GB (2GB + 5GB extra from unpartition space), but, in reality 
it's listed only 2GB (the original size).

Well, anyway, I decided to clean-install my notebook from 9.2 to 10.1CE, while 
preserving /home to retain my emails and personal settings. And the result is 
amazing. Even my KDE session is preserved! There was a glitch though when the 
quick launch icon generated an error: "Klaunch can't start application from 
DCOP" (something like that), but after rebooting it was fine again.

It's 2am now and I'm tired, but I'm very happy. Actually the installation 
process only took 20 minutes, the previous 3 hours were for backing up data 
and email to my desktop pc. 

I love you, Mandrake :)
Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | http://linux2.arinet.org
02:03:41 up 55 min, Mandrakelinux release 10.1 (Community) for i586 
public key: https://www.arinet.org/fajar-pub.key

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