
"Evan Blomquist, Linux instructor at The Training Camp, suppliers of on campus
training, believes the debate on Linux security for the desktop is occurring
only because of Microsoft's record. He believes Microsoft has become so
blinkered by the fight that it thinks all operating systems have the same
problems. He says that Microsoft's view has been colored by a false experience,
and that the company is making a strategic mistake by attacking Linux security.

He does not believe Linux is at so much risk. "A cursory tour of the fundamental
architecture should help you understand that Linux simply doesn't provide the
fertile breeding ground for rogue software that Windows does," he says.

Blomquist says it is impossible to predict the issues that would face a world in
which 95 percent of computer users were using a Linux desktop environment, but
he believes security would be far less of a problem. "Virus pollution would not
be nearly as prolific as it is under the current Microsoft desktop dominance,
for fundamental OS architecture differences.""



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"Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren,
you did it to me." -- Jesus Christ

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