There are serveral dos networking stacks, my best suggestion is to look
into OpenDOS (think caldera still owns this) it is freely available and
comes with a complete array of networking utils

On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Simon Norris wrote:

> Just a positive word here, yes it is possible to do it. But no, I don't know
> how. My Kingston ethernet cards came with a DOS based program designed to
> make DOS networking work, but I haven't felt the need to try it yet. It
> looks similar to a 'drive mapping' kind of idea, but not quite, if you know
> what I mean.
> Let me know offline (home email in cc) if you don't get what you need, and
> I'll give it a go, and tell you what happens.
> Good luck!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 4:42 PM
> Subject: [newbie] DOS ?
> Hello all. Well I'm back at setting up more things for the network.
> My next question and or adventure is. Can I use Dos to get into the
> network? I have a few dos programs we would like to be file served on
> the network.
> Any suggestions ?
> Jeff

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