I have been wanting to get up on Linux, particularly Mandrake 6.1 and have 
a few requirements to meet that I have been unsuccessful at.  Before I can 
leave my server machine in Linux, it must replace the current support it 
provides in Winblows.  I need to be able to serve the net and it must 
provide for print serving my other 5 machines on my network.
Problem 1.)  I have a D-Link NIC that is recognized and configures just 
fine and I have a 3-COM 3C900B-TPO that is not recognized which is my home 
network NIC.  I have  been unable to find anybody that can help me get this 
card recognized.  A step by step would be appreciated..   I was unable to 
find any module support(in the base) and 3-COM supposed support does not 
install for version 6.1, 2.2.13.
Problem 2.) I currently have a HP 895Cxi printer attached locally to my 
server.  In Winblows it is shared to the rest of my network.  What steps do 
I need to take to make it shared under Linux?  Also, is there actual 
support for this printer or can I use support for the HP 500 thru 1100 
series or should I use Postscript?

Any help would be appreciated, I have been at this too long... :(

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