Użytkownik Paul Smith napisał:

Dear All

I have Mandrake 10 working on my computer and I have to say that I am
quite satisfied with it. So, I would like to know why should one move
to Mandrake 10.1. What are Mandrake 10.1's advantages compared to his
older brother - Mandrake 10?

Thanks in advance,


PS: I am GMail user; please, be sure that you are replying to the list.

Reason #1:
- It is the first Mandrake to work correctly out-of-the-box with Sagem USB modem...

Wojciech Podgórni
PS. Although there have been some problems with USB during system start-up... I am not sure if it has been solved completely. (Search list archives to get some idea about the problem.)

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