On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 12:17:43 +0000
Margot wrote:

> That's strange - I have the taskbar installed & running on xfce on
> xfce-taskbar-plugin-0.2.2-0.1010.1mdk shows as installed on the 
> software section of MCC, and I assumed it came from eslrahc. Each 
> time I've updated xfce, I've had to reactivate the taskbar - just 
> run the command xftaskbar4 and it appears

The taskbar-plugin and taskbar are 2 different apps.

The taskbar-plugin adds a mini taskbar to the xfce panel.

The taskbar, in its default location, runs full screen across the top
of the screen.
It is not launched by default in the Mdk pkg.
As noted it can be launched using the command xftaskbar4, and if the
session-manager is installed, saving the session with the taskbar active
will auto start the taskbar at next login.


We is confronted with insurmountable opportunities.
                -- Walt Kelly, "Pogo"
Mandrake Linux 10.2 on PurpleDragon

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