> OK that is good information there i loaded gaim and when i try to install
> it i ran it under the run command but i could find where i can put an icon
> on my desk or i didn't see it under the menu bar i just wanted to know
> what i need to do to have programs on there so i can see them once i down
> load them also it says its installed but i don't see it no where on the
> menu list is there something i need to setup so programs will go into the
> file directory or the program bar i am very new with LINUX about a week
Hi Ne0StOrM,
Could you please read the The Mandrake Community Wiki for Mandrakelinux
Mailing List Etiquette:
please send posts in text format instead of html, I think AOL can do

Being new to linux, the Wiki is a good place to start for for
Newbie info, and yes I'm a Newbie, just over a year old 8)
also check out The Linux Documentation project http://www.tldp.org/
with interest look here http://www.tldp.org/guides.html for
"Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide" 
> into but i like it a lot more then windows because its a lot more stable i
> just tried to loaded yahoo to see if it would work it went though all the
> steps and installed it but it wouldn't execute under the program directory
> i wasn't sure if there is something i need to setup under the desktop conf
I think your lookin for Menudrake, 
You can use Mandrakelinux Control Center or MCC > System > Menus
to access it and when it opens up, chose system menu and just save and
then exit. This should pick up any packaged programs you installed.
(someone please jump in an correct me if I said something wrong)

There is also a simple way to see what Is installed on your system,
from Mandrakelinux Control Center go to Software Management > "Remove" 
Our intention isn't to remove anything, so now you can click on a
package to see the information of that package.
> program on mandrake 10.1 ...i also wanted to know what is a good client to
> use to add in PC games i have a few PC games and wanting to know if i can
> load them on LINUX .. i have a background and degree in Microsoft/windows
> but LINUX is like starting all over again I enjoy LINUX a lot I see there
> is a lot that is going to be happen in the future with LINUX just waiting
> for programs to come out for it. thank you for the information and help
There are some games that can run natively in Linux, but you need the
sources from these game vendors to do this, e.g. Never Winter Nights, 
Quake2, Wolfenstein .. and a few others. 
For more, I highly recommend Transgaming http://www.transgaming.com/ 
although its not free. 

RickS                              Registered Linux user #338463
Mdk 10.1 OE - Linux        @ http://counter.li.org
gpg --recv-keys --keyserver www.keyserver.net 0x24AABE61

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