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On Friday 24 Dec 2004 23:31, Kenneth wrote:
> It was a message box with the text "Sorry, can't find
> mime type application/octet-stream". But I haven't
> had the problem since I defined a type - application
> - octet-stream in kcontrol - and left the pattern, \
> description, and preferred application fields blank,
> following a recommendation from the list.
That's worth remembering.  Are you familiar with the TWiki?  Experiences like 
this are worth noting there to help others.

> For what its worth, Kate still ran with no discernible
> problem after I clicked on the close corner of the message
> box. Likewise with KDE although I was presented with
> two of the same error message boxes - but once dismissed
> there was no problem.
I have noticed that error messages like this come up on konsole, for instance 
if you 'kdesu konqueror', and they seem to have no impact on running the 

> And somewhere along the line here I had another problem
> with KDE - the screen would freeze whenever I passed
> the cursor over the System/terminal menu selection.
That one is most odd.  I've never heard of that one before.

> I uninstalled Kate and the requisite dependancies and then
> reinstalled everything again. KDE and Kate appeared to be
> working flawlessly now.
> Also, it appears that my XFCE problem may not have been
> a problem at all.  I upgraded to XFCE 4.2rc3, just released
> and still found that I had no panel. After studying the
> documentation, I used the "run program" from the desktop
> menu which appears when the right mouse button is pressed.
> This ran the panel. After exiting and re-running XFCE the
> panel appeared automatically.
There's a section on Desktops on the TWiki.  It would be worth noting that on 
> Everything appears to be running up to snuff on my computer
> with the exception of BitTorrent - or more precisely,
> the Bittorrent Download GUI and frankly, I'm ready to
> chill on that for a while. :) A new beta version of
> Bittorrent has been posted and when the official version
> hits the net, I'll see if I can get it working.
Where are you getting your BitTorrent from?  As far as I can remember I only 
had Mandrake and plf sites set as sources when I got mine, and it was never 
any trouble.

> Thanks again to everyone for all the suggestions.

You're welcome.  Please add your experiences to the TWiki.  If you've not done 
any TWiki editing before there is a beginner's section in the Index.  It's 
very easy, and you can either copy edit styles from other bits on the same 
page, or you can add things with basic html tags if necessary.  You get a 
chance to preview and correct if necessary, and you can always ask for help 
if you need it ;-)

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