On Wednesday 29 December 2004 10:27 pm, SnapafunFrank wrote:

> Nope. Cheats way of finding what I'm asking is to do:
> # ls /dev
> Then insert your camera and do it again.
> A device name will be printed the second time / missing the first time.
> That is the name you use to displace
> actual_device_here
> Mentioned above. Could be something like sdax or scsix [ where x is a
> number or not present ]
> All this assumes that your set up can see the camera storage device as
> indeed a storage device. If not then once installed do:
> # lsusb
> and maybe that can help to disclose the file system type after some more
> investigation. Just hope the first one above works as things may become
> real easy after that.

Finally got the camera back, however, there seems to be no change:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ls /dev
adsp      hdb1      misc/      ram4        tty    tty3   tty51  ttyS7
agpgart   hdc       mixer      ram5        tty0   tty30  tty52  urandom
apm_bios  hdd       mouse@     ram6        tty1   tty31  tty53  usbmouse@
audio     ide/      mouse0     ram7        tty10  tty32  tty54  vc/
cdrom@    initctl|  null       ram8        tty11  tty33  tty55  vcc/
cdrom0@   input/    nvidia0    ram9        tty12  tty34  tty56  vcs
cdrom1@   kmem      nvidiactl  random      tty13  tty35  tty57  vcs1
cdroms/   kmsg      port       rd/         tty14  tty36  tty58  vcs2
console   log=      ppp        root        tty15  tty37  tty59  vcs3
core@     loop/     printers/  sequencer   tty16  tty38  tty6   vcs4
discs/    loop0     psaux      sequencer2  tty17  tty39  tty60  vcs5
dmmidi    loop1     psmouse@   sg0         tty18  tty4   tty61  vcs6
dsp       loop2     ptmx       sg1         tty19  tty40  tty62  vcs7
fd@       loop3     pts/       shm/        tty2   tty41  tty63  vcsa
fd0       loop4     ram0       snd/        tty20  tty42  tty7   vcsa0@
fd1       loop5     ram1       sound/      tty21  tty43  tty8   vcsa1
floppy/   loop6     ram10      sr0         tty22  tty44  tty9   vcsa2
full      loop7     ram11      sr1         tty23  tty45  ttyS0  vcsa3
hda       lp0       ram12      st0         tty24  tty46  ttyS1  vcsa4
hda1      md/       ram13      st1         tty25  tty47  ttyS2  vcsa5
hda2      md0       ram14      stderr@     tty26  tty48  ttyS3  vcsa6
hda5      mem       ram15      stdin@      tty27  tty49  ttyS4  vcsa7
hda6      mice      ram2       stdout@     tty28  tty5   ttyS5  zero
hdb       midi      ram3       tts/        tty29  tty50  ttyS6
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ls /dev
adsp      hdb1      misc/      ram4        tty    tty3   tty51  ttyS7
agpgart   hdc       mixer      ram5        tty0   tty30  tty52  urandom
apm_bios  hdd       mouse@     ram6        tty1   tty31  tty53  usbmouse@
audio     ide/      mouse0     ram7        tty10  tty32  tty54  vc/
cdrom@    initctl|  null       ram8        tty11  tty33  tty55  vcc/
cdrom0@   input/    nvidia0    ram9        tty12  tty34  tty56  vcs
cdrom1@   kmem      nvidiactl  random      tty13  tty35  tty57  vcs1
cdroms/   kmsg      port       rd/         tty14  tty36  tty58  vcs2
console   log=      ppp        root        tty15  tty37  tty59  vcs3
core@     loop/     printers/  sequencer   tty16  tty38  tty6   vcs4
discs/    loop0     psaux      sequencer2  tty17  tty39  tty60  vcs5
dmmidi    loop1     psmouse@   sg0         tty18  tty4   tty61  vcs6
dsp       loop2     ptmx       sg1         tty19  tty40  tty62  vcs7
fd@       loop3     pts/       shm/        tty2   tty41  tty63  vcsa
fd0       loop4     ram0       snd/        tty20  tty42  tty7   vcsa0@
fd1       loop5     ram1       sound/      tty21  tty43  tty8   vcsa1
floppy/   loop6     ram10      sr0         tty22  tty44  tty9   vcsa2
full      loop7     ram11      sr1         tty23  tty45  ttyS0  vcsa3
hda       lp0       ram12      st0         tty24  tty46  ttyS1  vcsa4
hda1      md/       ram13      st1         tty25  tty47  ttyS2  vcsa5
hda2      md0       ram14      stderr@     tty26  tty48  ttyS3  vcsa6
hda5      mem       ram15      stdin@      tty27  tty49  ttyS4  vcsa7
hda6      mice      ram2       stdout@     tty28  tty5   ttyS5  zero
hdb       midi      ram3       tts/        tty29  tty50  ttyS6

However running #lsusb nets this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# lsusb
Bus 002 Device 006: ID 054c:004e Sony Corp. 
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:0000  
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000  

Any help?

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