On Sun, 09 Jan 2005 12:20:46 -0500
et <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > starting it to see if there was any difference.  It ran longer this time,
> > maybe 10 seconds, then there was a blue flash in the vicinity of the power
> > supply and it cut off. Oh well, I think this one is beyond me.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > SW
> time  for a power supply....
> -- 

Perhaps not.
Some time ago I cleaned the box out with air and when I powered up, I had the 
blue flash experience. After getting my internal organs back in their proper 
places, I took the cover off the power supply and had to laugh.
A spider had taken up residence in the power supply and built a web which 
apparently had been quite productive, judging by empty carcasses. The blast of 
air, I assume moved the web enough to create a short.  Truly a computer bug, 
well, perhaps a computer arachnid).
I replaced the fuse in the power supply and am still running.  Be sure you use 
a fast acting fuse.


John Montgomery


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