mike wrote:

Charles Lee Ying wrote:

mike wrote:

mike wrote:

I have a problem with decrypting my sent messages.
Been expermenting with gnupg. When I send a signed and encrypted
message to someone who has my key they get it and can read it fine
and I have their key and can decrypt an encrypted message from them.

But when I go to my *Sent* box click on a encripted message that I
sent, I cannot decrypt it? Heres the error.

gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available

Does this mean I don't have access to my own secret key?

Mdk 10.0
Mozilla 1.7
GnuPG v1.2.4

New to this, any ideas?


Well found the answer.
Working with someone off list, turns out I needed (encrypt to self)
box checked under preferences. According to enigmail's documentation
you have to encrypt it with both the recipients and your key if you
want to read what you sent.


Thx Mike, I learned something new today. I didn't know that was possible.


Me too, Charles

I suppose that I lose a level of security doing it this way. Now
there are two keys able decrypt the message, as opposed to just one,
the recipient. But its mostly learning experience for me.

Thanks again for help,



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