Andy Yankovich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi all,
> Please forgive typos because I can't see/read what I am typing 
> now. Fonts are simply too small to read. This is being typed 
> with courier 10 pitch font, style regular, and set at 20 in size. 
> What apprears on the screen is the same in 'size' regardless if 
> size is set at 10, 20, or 64. 'Type' of font does change with what 
> I desire to change to, style does not change - this phrase is 
> typed in bold italiics but no change on my screen, and the size of 
> fonts do not change on my screen. This sentance is typed at size  
> 64 with no change in the actual font size on screen.
> The changes above are made from toolbar/settings/configure 
> Kontact/appearance. From Kontact inbox screen I also tried to 
> make changes using 'configure KMail'. 
> Changing fonts through star/preferences/control 
> center/peripherals/lookNfeel/fonts/general seem to affect all 
> fonts *except* what I type in Kontact compose or Kmail.
> Changing 'screen size' or what I call 'resolution' works on icons 
> and screen spacing but not on fonts. The resoution is always 
> reset to 1280X1024. I try 1024X768 and settings in between those 
> two and the change in resoution reverts back on end session or 
> restart or shut down computer or ctrl-alt-backspace.
> My attempt to change screen size or resolution is made by clicking 
> star/preferences/control center/oeripheraals/displayscreen size/ 
> change size/aplly/OK. then the screen goes black for a second, 
> then screen comes up again, with settings as they should be,  
> asking for confirmation of screen size or not. I accept and 
> screen size or resolution apprears to be as I wanted it until I 
> end session, or restart or shut down 
> I just restarted (thru star/logout/restart) to verify and, yes, 
> screen resolution is went from 1024X768 back to 1280X1024 and 
> the actual screen corresponds to 1280X1024. The font size in 
> toolbar/settings/kmail is still at 64, as set in first paragrah. 
> And I still cannot read the sreen very well.
> I thought that, like Windows, resolution or screen size would be 
> changed in MDK Control Center in Display. But maybe in MDK Display 
> means something else. It sure is difficult to undersstand what 
> happens if Display is supposed to change the screen resolution. 
Hi Andy,
the particular way your setting this is from the KDE control center
and will only effect the current session, unless you select the
checkbox so it will take effect everytime you login to KDE. 

I think you want to change the overall system resolution to
1024x768, if this is correct, you want to do this with MDK control
center, as you were guessing. 

Go to Star > System > Configuration > Configure your Computer - will
get you to a dialog that will ask for your root passwword. Once you
login, This should be the Mandrake Control Center, select :
Hardware > screen resolution .. change this to 1024X768 and click
OK. You will have to logout and log back in for your changes to take

I Hope that does the trick ..
Best Regards
RickS                              Registered Linux user #338463
Mdk 10.1 OE - Linux        @
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