The new MS Linux will be out March 21st 2133.  Or at least
that was when a friend told me that hell was freezing over.
<BTW>  I understand it will be called MS Linux 2100.


mccaffrey wrote:
> Any idea when the new Microsoft-Linux is due to roll out?  I'm wondering if it's 
>being considered and to what extent.  I mean, why
> not?  Then there wouldn't be a problem w/ people dumping Windows for Linux 
>distributions, cuz they could get it all from the same
> company.  Hmmm, I probably wouldn't buy a M$-Linux distribution just out of 
> Josh
> Atlanta, GA
> Sevatio Octavio wrote:
> > Hey, is it just me?  Or do you experience a renewed sense of excitement when 
>messing with Linux that you haven't had since the early
> > days of DOS?  I know M$ will remain as a player of some sorts but the question has 
>now evolved from "which is the better OS" to "why
> > be confined with M$?"
> >
> > Seve
> >
> > BTW, who is Scott?
> >

Ron Marriage
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