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On Monday 24 Jan 2005 06:04, SigmaX wrote:
> Hey;
> I have Mandrake 9.2 installed of CD on my AMD Athlon system.  I haven't
> used Mandrake on the desktop in a while, and would like to upgrade from
> 9.2 to 10.1.  How would I go about doing a complete upgrade from 9.2 to
> 10.1 over FTP or something similar?  I use Debian on my PowerPC sysem
> and it's as simple there as setting sources, stopping X, and running
> "apt-get dist-upgrade."  Is there an equivelent in Mandrake 9.2?
>        Thanx,
>           SigmaX

It's not impossible, it has been done, but I really wouldn't recommend it.  
It's far from trivial, as there have been major changes.  There's the 2.6 
kernels instead of 2.4 and udev instead of devfs, for a start - and they are 
*big* changes, affecting almost everything.  If you have any spare space or 
don't mind losing 9.2, make a fresh install, keeping your /home (assuming you 
had a separate partition).

- -- 
Registered Linux User No.293302 (http://counter.li.org/)
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