On Monday 24 January 2005 00:47, Mike Chalmers wrote:
> Will someone tell me what urpmi is?

OK, before I fall asleep :

All Open Source software is available as *source code*, i.e. written 
text.  As such an application can be downloaded to your hard drive.
Then, you face the challenge to compile it.  That's not for the 
faint-at-heart, because inevitably you'll run into the cumbersome 
*dependency hell*.  Which means that your desired application needs 
other applications in order to compile.  - But it is doable.

To make things a little easier, RedHat developed a method called 
*rpm* (RedhatPackageManager).  This means pre-compiled, binary 
collections of files, constituting an application.  Of course, 
there's a trade-off here :  in order to install correctly, the 
system must be configured in pre-defined ways, such as per 
distribution (Red Hat).  But the *rpm* packages do not resolve the 
*dependency* problem.  This means, that when you install a *.rpm* 
you'll have to install other *.rpms* first.  The procedure will 
tell you which ones.  But this is time-consuming.

Then, another distribution (Debian) invented a smarter method :
the *apt-get* procedure.  Here, all dependencies are resolved, and 
when you type : *apt-get -install <application>* the dependencies 
are resolved, downloaded, installed prior to the application 
itself.   Very smart and efficient.  These packages have the 
extension *deb*.

Originally, Mandrake was derived from RedHat.  The main difference 
was the Graphical User Interface (GUI).  Where RedHat used Gnome, 
Mandrake used KDE.  That doesn't matter, it is a question of 
personal liking.  But Mandrake uses *rpm*.

Now, in order to be as user-friendly as Debian, the Mandrake 
developers invented *urpmi*.  I honestly don't know what *u* stands 
for, but a qualified guess would be *Uniform Redhat Package Manager 
Installer* - or some such.

Anyway, it is really, really smart.  The only pre-requisite to using 
*urpmi* is that you have defined some *sources*. Which means that 
you'll have to find some servers to supply you.  That's easy as 
well :

Go to : http://easyurpmi.zarb.org/

And follow instructions EXACTLY.  You can choose a multitude of 
servers for each category (main, contrib, updates,plf), but not all 
servers get updated regularly, so please experiment.  As a rule of 
thumb : select servers on the other side of the globe, because they 
tend to be idle when you are awake ;-)

This accomplished, installing software is as easy as it gets :

1. The GUI method :  Just click the 
*System-->Configuration-->Packaging-->Install Software*

or (and that's the way we prefer here, because you can see what's 
going on) :

2. Open a terminal (Konsole), type *su*, give root-password and 
type : *urpmi <application>*.

You'll love it.

Kaj Haulrich.
*sent from a 100% Microsoft-free workstation*
         * http://haulrich.net *
*Running Linux (Mandrake 10.1) - kernel 2.6.8*

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