> Besides, you can buy a Dual Celeron Mobo, and 2 500mhz cpus for less than an
> Athalon CPU and Mobo, and the startup message of 1000+ BogoMIPS is a thing
> of
> Beauty!!.
> Matt.

    Well we're of like mind, the only damn reason I stick with P3's
(and it's maybe hype too) is the flight simulators I like the best
are advertised as optimized for the kni instructions.  An I do get
same or better fps than those fools that bought the p3-700e's from

   'sides it's only money, and i can wring a p3-600 out'a Intel for
the price of a 450.  They want too much money to let them o/c it
for me ;-0

  seriously tho, I reckon the best SMP solutions right now are
either a pair of C366's clocked to 550 (the bus speeds get right,
any other Celery is the wrong choice to o/c), or let Intel clock
'em and buy 500's.

  'course the way I'd go you get 1100+ bogo's, for less $$'s  :)

  BUT, gettin real serious, I suspect the reason a lot of SMP
system's get built is so it can be said, "I've got a 1100mhz wicked
killer fast computer"  fine print is 'in very few applications
and not in Windows'

  Whereas, the only viable reason .... well I don' wanna think
about that too hard.... I'd havt'a get a job   ;-)
..      Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      .

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