On Saturday 12 February 2005 10:43 pm, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

> > Anytime I use a zip drive here (internal, IDE), I've always had to put
> > that "4" there. It accesses the entire Zip cart.
> No /dev/hdd would be the entire drive. /dev/hdd4 would be the 4th
> partition on it. But the 4th partition on the ZIP drive normally is the
> entire free space on the drive. It is a small difference, but it is an
> important one. I expected the same thing here.
> Are you running 10.1 Official with the latest updates? Does the system
> automaticly detect when you change cartridge in the drive? Or are you
> manually mounting/unmounting the drive?
> Mikkel

Hi Mikkel.

I know /dev/hdd is the entire drive, but every Mandrake release I've used, up 
to my current, v9.2, I've had to use /dev/hdb4 for my zip drive, or its not 
performed like it should.

I always disable supermount or anything like it, then just have an icon on the 
desktop that I click to mount it and show the contents. I manually (right 
click, eject) to remove it. I've never had good luck with supermount, or the 
like except on my Dell Inspiron 1100 laptop, where it has worked great.

Here are some examples of the zip entries I've used in /etc/fstabs over time 
(Top entry is current, last entry is a stock, default install entry):

/dev/hdb4 /mnt/zip      auto user,noauto 0 0

/dev/sda4 /mnt/zip      auto 
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,noauto,nosuid,umask=0,user,nodev  0 0

/dev/hdc4        /mnt/zip       vfat 
iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,nosuid,user,noauto,nodev,codepage=850  0 0

/dev/sda4 /mnt/zip auto 
sync,nodev,user,noauto,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,nosuid 0 0

/mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount 
dev=/dev/sda4,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0

Hope this gives some ideas?

See ya.


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